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Trying to save image to Photo album with custom name in iOS

I have an iOS application where I am saving an image to my photos folder to my iPad. However, what I would like to do is store the image with a custom name (eg using the date and time stamp for when the image was actually captured), so that it would be easier for it to be retrieved in the future.

My code at the moment for storing my images is as follows:

- (IBAction)imageCapture:(id)sender {
    UIImage *myImage = [_imageView currentImage];
    UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(myImage, nil, nil, nil);

I am able to store my image, but how do I name the image prior to storing it (eg "082620131100am.png"?

Since you cannot override any image/video in the user's photo library, you will not be able to give the the file a specific filename.

You can add some metadata to your image if you use the method: writeImageDataToSavedPhotosAlbum:metadata:completionBlock: , but you will not be able to set the filename.

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