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AngularJS custom directive using event listener

I am trying to create a custom directive that contains a text box that is shown, expanded and focused when a user clicks a button. And when the user clicks away from the expanded text box it should minimize, disappear and then show the original button. Here's what I have so far: http://jsfiddle.net/Z6RzD/152/

Here is the section that I am having problems with:

  if (htmlTxtBox.addEventListener !== undefined) { 

  htmlTxtBox.addEventListener('focus', setFocus(), false);
  //this function is automatically called even when textBox is in focus              
  //htmlTxtBox.addEventListener('blur', setNoFocus(), false);
  console.log("ifHasFocus: " + scope.showInput);
} else if (htmlTxtBox.attachEvent != undefined) {
  htmlTxtBox.attachEvent('onfocus', setFocus());
  htmlTxtBox.attachEvent('onblur', setNoFocus());
} else {
  htmlTxtBox.onmouseover = setFocus();
  htmlTxtBox.onmouseout = setNoFocus();

And the corresponding functions that run with the event listener:

function setFocus()  {
        scope.$apply('showInput = true');
        console.log("setFocus: " + scope.showInput);    
function setNoFocus(){
  scope.$apply('showInput = false');
  console.log("setNoFocus: " + scope.showInput);

My problem is that the setFocus and setNoFocus functions run no matter what. How can I structure these functions to where they run only when the textbox is focused or blurred? I appreciate any help. Thanks!

Try this:

myApp.directive('replybox', function($timeout) {
    var linkFn = function(scope, element, attrs) {       
        scope.showInput = false;

        var button = element.find('button');        
        var input = element.find('input');

        button.bind("click", function() {
            scope.showInput = true;


        input.bind('blur', function() {
            scope.showInput = false;            
            $timeout(function() { scope.$apply(); }, 1000);

            input.css({'width':'0px', 'transition':'1s'});

jsFiddle here .

Old question, but to address the actual issue:

I believe htmlTxtBox.addEventListener('focus', setFocus(), false); should have just setFocus instead to pass the reference to the function rather than call it within the addEventListener call.

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