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Setting up a dynamic range in excel-vba

I'm basing my code off of this. Excel VBA - select a dynamic cell range

I'm trying to find the syntax to create a dynamic range. Example: I always start on D8 but the upper bound of the range is based on an int count in another cell. [h4]

Dim count As Integer
count = Sheet2.Cells(8,1).Value
Set refRng = Sheet2.Range("D8:" & Cells(8, i).Address)

Is the relevant code sample.

I now know that Sheet2.Range("H1") doesn't return an int, it returns a variant or something?

I've tried a million different things and have figured out that none of them work. There has to be a better way to set up a dynamic range.

Not 100% sure what you're trying to achieve but in terms of messing around with ranges maybe this is a start:

Option Explicit

Sub select_Range()

Dim count As Integer
count = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value

Dim i As Integer
i = count

Dim refRng As Excel.Range
Set refRng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D8:D" & i)


End Sub

This results in the following on Sheet2 :


This was originally a comment, but it is also the solution so I am adding it as an answer

Cells(8, 1) = "A8". If you want cell H1 it would be Cells(1, 8) or Cells(1, "H") . If you want cell H4 it would be Cells(4, 8) or Cells(4, "H") .

Alternately, just Range("H1") or Range("H4")

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