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NSDictionary refuses to set values for its keys.

I have a method updateUserPlaceDictionary that draws text from some text fields and throws it in an NSDictionary. After noticing that all the values for the dictionary were null, i tried manually setting some strings for its keys, like so:

- (void)updatePlaceDictionary {
    //Create a dictionary that holds the location data.
    [self.placeDictionary setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"155 Bovet Rd"] forKey:@"Street"];
    [self.placeDictionary setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"san mateo"] forKey:@"City"];
    [self.placeDictionary setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ca"] forKey:@"State"];
    [self.placeDictionary setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"94402"] forKey:@"ZIP"];

    NSLog(@"%@, %@, %@, %@", [self.placeDictionary objectForKey:@"Street"],
          [self.placeDictionary objectForKey:@"City"],
          [self.placeDictionary objectForKey:@"State"],
          [self.placeDictionary objectForKey:@"ZIP"]);

Here is my declaration of placeDictionary :

@property NSMutableDictionary* placeDictionary;

Also, i did make sure to synthesize it in the .m file.

I have the method log to the console all the location data that was put into the dictionary but all I get are null values. I have the same exact function in another view controller that works completely fine. Can someone tell me if they see anything improper?

You have a comment stating

//Create a dictionary that holds the location data.

but you never actually create it. Initialize the dictionary and you'll be fine.

self.placeDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

Also beware: setValue:forKey: is not the same as setObject:forKey: . Read this answer to know more on the subject, but in general you should use setObject:forKey: for dictionaries, eg

[self.placeDictionary setObject:@"155 Bovet Rd" forKey:@"Street"];

or the modern version of the syntax:

self.placeDictionary[@"Street"] = @"155 Bovet Rd";

Using Objective-C literals you can actually make the whole code a lot nicer, check it out:

self.placeDictionary = @{
    @"Street": @"155 Bovet Rd",
    @"City"  : @"san mateo",
    @"State" : @"ca",
    @"ZIP"   : @"94402"

Please note that the literal syntax produces a non-mutable dictionary and it may not fit your needs.

As a final remark, please don't use

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"aString"]

since is semantically equivalent to


but less optimized in terms of performances (not to mention code quality).

It seems as you didn't allocate it, you can do it in the getter.

-(NSMutableDictionary *)placeDictionary
    if (!_placeDictionary) {
        _placeDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    return _placeDictionary;

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