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Get notification in node.js when file is added to directory

I'm writing some node.js code in which I would like to trigger action when a file is loaded to a directory, or when that file is updated there --I'm expecting that the same file name will be replaced in the directory repeatedly.

So, when the node child process finishes saving a file to the watched directory, I would like to trigger subsequent processes that use that file:

This thread seemed related, but not quite explicit enough about how to know when the file is updated or replaced: Watch a folder for changes using node.js, and print file paths when they are changed

Implicitly, I also need to verify that the updating process to the file in the watched directory is complete before the next events would be triggered.

Thanks as always for your advice!

I think the thread you linked it pretty explicit, isn't it? You can either use the standard methods fs.watch and fs.watchFile , or a nice little wrapper such as https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar . ie:

var chokidar = require('chokidar');

var watcher = chokidar.watch('dir/', {ignored: /^\./, persistent: true});

  .on('add', function(path) {console.log('File', path, 'has been added');})

You can use notify as well.

var Notify = require('fs.notify');

var files = [

var notifications = new Notify(files);
notifications.on('change', function (file, event, path) {
  console.log('caught a ' + event + ' event on ' + path);

// if you want to add more files you can use the
notifications.add([path, morepaths]);

// kill everything

But chokidar is better.

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