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Css3 animation delay with jquery

I am using scroll animations. I'm using animate.css library and viewport.js . It's clearly working. But I want to dynamically add animation delays. For example: I have social media icon list and I want to delay the animation for each item.

This is my JS code:

$(".animateda:in-viewport(-10)").find(".animated").each(function(queue) {

I can do it by writing a CSS class for each delay:


And use this JS code:

$(this).find(".animated-item").each(function(queue) {

It's working good. But I must write a CSS delay class for all of the objects that have a animation. Can I make the delays with jQuery without using different CSS classes for each object?

You could try using the setTimeout function.

setTimeout takes two arguments, a callback function and a delay in ms. If you wanted to delay the adding of a class by 6 seconds, you could do something like this:

var delay = 6000;
$(".animateda:in-viewport(-10)").find(".animated").each(function(queue) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        // do some animation here
    }, delay);

This would do the animation ( roughly ) six seconds after it was called.

EDIT: If you wanted to change the length of the animation each time, you could do something like this: The setTimeout must be wrapped in a closure, to stop the value of i changing within the method.

var i = 0;
$(".animateda:in-viewport(-10)").find(".animated").each(function(queue) {
    (function(i) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            // do some animation here
        }, i * 350);
    i++; // increment i for each item

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