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asp.net mvc 3 routing aspx page from controller

i want to route from my controller to .aspx page. i am trying this but that doesn't work.

return Redirect("~/Views/Report/UygulamaYanitiRapor.aspx");

Below code routes but i couldn't get parameter with Request.QueryString["gelen"]. it comes null.

return Redirect("~/Report/UygulamaYanitiRapor/0");

            true, null,
            new RouteValueDictionary { { "outgoing", new MyCustomConstaint() } }

Check out this walkthrough on how to set up routing for Asp.Net Web Forms: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd329551.aspx

I think the easiest way to get this working is to modify your aspx-page to check both Request.QueryString and Page.RouteData.Values for the same values, possibly with a preference for the QueryString values.

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