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ng-repeat without an html element

i am trying to generate a blog list but i got a problem with ng-repeat. my list looks like this

    <span class="sep2"></sep>
    <span class="sep2"></sep>

So after every 2 list items, i have a span that levels my next 2 boxes. Right now i have this angular code.

    <li ng-repeat="post in postsJSON">

And i dont know how to generate that span after every second list item. Thank you in advance, Daniel!

With angular v1.2 it becomes quite easy, using ng-repeat-start , ng-repeat-end and ng-if , you can check it here : http://jsfiddle.net/DotDotDot/XNJvj/1/

Your code will look like this:

        <li ng-repeat-start='post in postsJSON'>
        <span ng-if="$odd && !$first" ng-repeat-end>
            <span class="sep2">_____</span>

ng-repeat-start/end allows you to enter a loop in a tag and close it in another, in this case, I also added a condition using the $odd parameter of the ng-repeat , showing only every other span

The issue here is not really with angular but more with the structure of your markup. ul tag should normally only contains li tags as children.

To resolve your issue I will stick to the ng-repeat you already have and create the separator with css. Something like that :

<ul class="blog list">
    <li ng-repeat="post in postsJSON" class="blog entry">


.blog.entry {
  border-bottom : 1px solid black // or whatever color

or if you need more control on the separator use css :after and do something like

.blog.entry:after {
  content : "";

If you are not familiar with :after you can have a look there

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