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How to copy data from one already opened excel file (Workbook1,Sheet1,cell A11) to another already opened excel file(workbook2,sheet1,A11)

I have 2 different opened excel files i want to copy data from first to secound file using macro in the first excel file?

I use this code but it does work when the two Workbooks are opened in 1 excel file when they are opened in two different excel files it says "Run time error 9" or something like this

Sub Macro2()

Macro2 Macro

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
    False, Transpose:=True

End Sub

how to change the code so i will get data from workbook1 in excelfile "A" to workbook2 in excel file "B"

you could use GetInfoFromClosedFile() i guess, but i never tested.

I remember using:

dim txt = "'C:\[test.xls]Page 1'!R1C1"

this should work in theory...

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