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Event tracking from Google Analytics not working

I'm trying to use google analytics to track custom events, but when I try to hit the page: http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=UA-myUA&cid=1111&t=event&ec=Movement&ea=livingRoom&el=desk

It opens the page like collecting, but in my analytics account, it doesnt show any event....

您需要使用Google Analytics(分析)事件跟踪来跟踪Google Analytics(分析)事件-https: //developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide

You can implement event tracking using Google Tag Manager where you can create you custom events. The procedure is easy to implement than traditional Java Script code as it does not require developer to implement GTM. Simply follow the below steps for GTM implementation: 1. Log into Google Tag Manager 2. Select “Tags” from the left-hand side 3. Create a new tag 4. Select Universal Analytics from Tag Type 5. Set your Google Analytics Tracking ID 6. Choose “Event” for the track type 7. Set your Event Category, Action, Label and Value as desired* 8. Set your triggers as required

You can refer Google Guidelines for detailed information.

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