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Android Sqlite insert Drawable to db using rawquery()

I have a table with a Blob datatype column which saves profile pictures (small Drawlable object).

Usually i would run the SqLiteDatabse.insert() method with ContentValues object so all the converting stuff wont be implement by me.

From my own reasons i need to use an "Insert or Replace" Sqlite query and to insert the profile picture's Drawable using a String query so i will have to implement my own convertion from byte[] to String in order to use the SqLiteDatabse.rawQuery() method.

can you please provide a way of doing it manually and not using ContentValue object ?


I can solve this by creating 2 queries:

  1. check if the raw exists
  2. if not - create it, if so - update it

and then i will be able to use the ContentValue object conveniently. but it sounds really inefficient to do so...


INSERT INTO MyTable(blob) VALUES(x'123456abcdef')

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