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How to call a function inside yii framework controller from core php file?

I am working in yii framework.I am getting stuck at a point where I have to call a function inside controller in yii framework from core php file. Actually I am going to create html snapshot.

my folder structure is

--start.php (This is my customized file)

1) Code of start.php file :--

        if (!empty($_REQUEST['_escaped_fragment_']))    
            include 'protected/components/Controller.php';
            include 'protected/modules/'.$arr[0].'/controllers/'.$arr[1].'Controller.php';

            echo DnycontentcategoriesController::actiongetDnyContent();  //gettting error at this point

                    //echo "<br> ".$obj->actiongetDnyContent();

2) yii side controller function : This function work for normal but when I am calling using escaped_fragment it gives error

public static function actiongetDnyContent()

        if (!empty($_REQUEST['_escaped_fragment_']))//code inside if statement not working
            $model = new Dnycontentvisitstat();  //Error got at this line
        else  //Below code is working properly  
            $dependency = new CDbCacheDependency('SELECT MAX(createDateTime) FROM dnycontent');
            $content = new Dnycontent();
            $content->contentTitleId = $_GET['contentTitleId'];
            $content = $content->cache(2592000,$dependency)->getContent();
            echo "{\"contents\":[".CJSON::encode($content)."]} ";
            $model = new Dnycontentvisitstat();
            $model->save($_GET['contentTitleId'], $userId, $ipAddress);


Fatal error: Class 'Dnycontentvisitstat' not found in C:\\wamp\\www\\seoPravin\\protected\\modules\\KnowledgePortal\\controllers\\DnycontentcategoriesController.php on line 289

code is working for normal url but not working for _esaped_fragment

It is a very bad practice but you can do a HTTP self request, like this:


Check http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php to see how to enable HTTP includes.

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