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PHP's strlen function behaving strangely

Please consider the following code:

$imagePath = "https://s22.postimg.org/3k3o9ly8t/testigo.jpg";
$imagedata = get that image data through curl and store in this variable;
echo strlen($imagedata); // outputs 4699

if(strlen($imagedata) == 4699 ) {
    echo "length is 4699";

The above if-condition never becomes true even though the strlen value is 4600. It seems very strange; am I missing anything? I've already tried mb_strlen , but to no avail.

Update: It seems to work for certain images, but not for the following image.


$strImageURL = "https://s22.postimg.org/3k3o9ly8t/testigo.jpg";

$strImageData = getData($strImageURL);

echo "<br />" . strlen($strImageData);

if(strlen($strImageData) === 4699) {
    echo "true";

function getData($strSubmitURL)

    $strData = null;

    $ch = curl_init();

    //return parameter
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 120);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 140);

    //site name
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$strSubmitURL);

    // don' verify ssl host
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false);
    $strData = curl_exec ($ch);

    if (!$strData) {
        //die ("cURL error: " . curl_error ($ch) . "\n");
        return '';
    curl_close ($ch);


    return $strData;

This works for me:

$url = "http://static.bbci.co.uk/frameworks/barlesque/2.51.4/orb/4/img/bbc-blocks-dark.png";
$imagedata = file_get_contents($url);
//echo strlen($imagedata); // outputs 1020

if(strlen($imagedata) == 1020 ) {

    echo "length is 1020";


And as further troubleshooting, I would try a var_dump(get_defined_vars()); at the end of your code and inside the if statement to see whats going on.

//Edit/Update: Using your url, and also putting in a var dump twice:

$url = "http://s22.postimg.org/3k3o9ly8t/testigo.jpg";
$imagedata = file_get_contents($url);
$strlen =  strlen($imagedata); // outputs 4669

if($strlen == 4669 ) {

    echo "length is 4669 \n";


PhpMate running PHP 5.3.15 with (/usr/bin/php)
 >>> untitled

length is 4669 

strlen() is used to count the bytes that a string equates an one character does not necessarily equal 1 byte in UTF-8

Another issue could be type-casting since PHP has such loose rules about this. Would this work for you?

if((int)strlen($imagedata) == 4600 ) {

    echo "length is 4600";



if(strlen($imagedata) == '4600' ) {

    echo "length is 4600";


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