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Getting Text from ComboBox in WPF

I have a ComboBox in WPF and I cant access its selected item text.

I have tried



<ComboBox Name="cbItem" SelectedValuePath="ITEM_ID">
               <TextBlock Text="{Binding ITEM_NAME}" />


String textComboBox = ((ITEMCLASS)cbItem.SelectedItem).ITEM_NAME.ToString();



This will work only if combobox values are same as the combobox text


Solution 1

You have to get access to the ComboBox's TextBox:

var str = (TextBox)cbItem.Template.FindName("PART_EditableTextBox", cbItem);

Then you can access the SelectedText property of that TextBox:

var selectedText = str.SelectedText; // This will give you text of selected item

Solution 2

ComboBoxItem typeItem = (ComboBoxItem)cbItem.SelectedItem;

string value = typeItem.Content.ToString();// This will give you text of selected item

Try this

<ComboBox Name="cbItem" SelectedValuePath="ITEM_ID">
           <TextBlock Name="txtblck" Text="{Binding ITEM_NAME}" />

TextBox str = (TextBox)cbItem.FindName("txtblck");

string text = str.Text;

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