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How can I place some of my Node.js files outside of my Node.js application root folder?

I want to put my Node unit tests in an application root level folder, /test/server/ . The problem is that when I put my Node files there, Node doesn't see my node_modules . My Node app is at /server/ .

My app folder is structured like this:

|- server/ (where my Node.js stuff is)
| |- package.json
| |- server.js
| |- etc
|- client/ (where my AngularJS and front-side stuff are)
| |- index.jade
| |- CSS/
| |- etc
|- test/ (where my unit tests are)
| |- server/
| |- client/

How can I solve this problem?

you need to set node path in your environment


then you should be able to reference them

EDIT: Now that I had a second look at your require statement I see that you are specifying an extension for the module you are trying to require, remove that and you should be able to find the module

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