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Cycle Through Divs With jQuery

I have a class that contains a bunch of divs with attached ids. With jQuery, I am attempting to cycle through these divs dynamically.


                <div id ="result">RESULT GOES HERE</div>

                <div class = "tplandesclist">
                    <div id="tplandesc1"><%= tplan.tplandesc %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc2"><%= tplan.tplandesc2 %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc3"><%= tplan.tplandesc3 %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc4"><%= tplan.tplandesc4 %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc5"><%= tplan.tplandesc5 %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc6"><%= tplan.tplandesc6 %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc7"><%= tplan.tplandesc7 %></div>
                    <div id="tplandesc8"><%= tplan.tplandesc8 %></div>

My jQuery, which upon click, erases the html of the #result and attempts to append the next item underneath the parent div .tplandesclist. However, I know there is something wrong with the way I'm trying to do this. I am attempting to do it by using the .next() method instead of implementing some sort of counter and rewriting the algorithm completely.


     $("#result").html(' ');


Any help greatly appreciated!


    var $list = $(".tplandesclist > div");
        var $next = $list.filter(".current").removeClass('current').next();
            $next = $list.first()



Demo: Fiddle

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