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Laravel Mail queues with Iron.io

I have been able to get my Iron.io push queue subscription to work great, but not with mail queues for some reason. In the code below I am pushing a job onto the queue with an email address and username in the $data array. For reasons unknown to me, the email address and username are not getting passed to the Mail function. The job just sits there, failing to send.



$data = array(
    'email_address' => Input::get('email'),
    'username'      => Input::get('username'),

Queue::push('SendEmail@reserve', $data);



// iron.io push queue path

Route::post('queue/push', function()
    return Queue::marshal();

class SendEmail
    public function reserve($job, $data)
        Mail::send('emails.reserve', $data, function($message)
            $message->to($data['email_address'], $data['username'])->subject($data['username'] . ', welcome to RockedIn!');

You need to pass $data to the closure.

public function reserve($job, $data)
    Mail::send('emails.reserve', $data, function($message) use ($data)
        $message->to($data['email_address'], $data['username'])->subject($data['username'] . ', welcome to RockedIn!');

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