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Understanding Constraints using Xcode and Manually Coding

I just read few information about how to manipulates constraints number programatically, but I think I need to see it visually using Xcode. So I decided to put a UIView like this and see what's going on with Constraints :


automatically it will create 4 constraints :


after modifying the number, I got what's the meaning of all this. there we have 2 vertical space and 2 horizontal space. but let's focus on vertical first...

one of vertical space measured from top of the screen (superview, I guess), I give this number 30. and other vertical space measured from the bottom, I give -50.

now, when it turns into code, I really don't understand how to give this 2 numbers. as far as I know, here's how to set constraint with code :

NSLayoutConstraint *myConstraint =[NSLayoutConstraint
[_screenView addConstraint: myConstraint];

let's assume _screenView is a superview and _container is UIView placed on top of it. I have 3 questions :

  1. How to set both vertical space (30 and -50) manually with code? because from storyboard I don't see any different name or ID of vertical space. they both have same name. do I have to create 2 NSLayoutConstraint ?
  2. Then how to add it into _screenView? do I have to create this : [_screenView addConstraint: myConstraint]; twice?
  3. what multiplier used for? because I don't see that option in storyboard.

thank you very much.

I think it's important to think of this formula from Apple's Auto Layout Guide when working with constraints:

y = m*x + b, where:

y and x are attributes of views.

m and b are floating point values.

You can think the constraint for the top of _container like this:

_containter.top = m*_screenView.top + b

When you are creating a constraint using NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:... the multiplier argument is "m" and constant is "b" in this formula. To create a constraint that keeps the top of _container 30 points below the top of _screenView you would do this:

NSLayoutConstraint *myConstraint =[NSLayoutConstraint

The bottom constraint would be:

NSLayoutConstraint *myConstraint =[NSLayoutConstraint

Also keep in mind that in the UIKit coordinate system X values go up from left to right and Y values go up from top to bottom. In other words, 0,0 is at the top-left of screen and the values go up from there.

If you want to create the four contraints you show above you will have to create them all individually. You could also use the constraintsWithVisualFormat:options:metrics:views: method of NSLayoutConstraint to make multiple at once. I find it more clear to write them out the way I did above.

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