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Yii count model with relation

I have a model Aziende, that is related (1:N) to anther model called Annunci, like this:

'annunci' => array(self::HAS_MANY,'Annunci','azienda_id'),

I would like to count how many record does really have this relation, in mySql I will do:

SELECT count( * )
FROM `aziende` a
JOIN annunci an ON an.azienda_id = a.id

How can i do this with Yii AR Model?

PS: I tried to look out conditional query, but i can't find my way.

In Yii relation type, we have STAT which do this for you. In relations():

'annunciCount' => array(self::STAT,'Annunci','azienda_id'),

and in controller:

$model= Model::model()->findAll();
echo 'The Number is: '.$model->annunciCount;


    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    $criteria->condition = 'annunci.id IS NOT null';

    $aziendeList= Aziende::model()->with('annunci')->findAll($criteria);        
    $count = count($aziendeList); // Count how many "Azienda" have at least one "Annunci"

Have you tried the


From Yii api:

Returns the related record(s). This method will return the related record(s) of the current record. If the relation is HAS_ONE or BELONGS_TO, it will return a single object or null if the object does not exist. If the relation is HAS_MANY or MANY_MANY, it will return an array of objects or an empty array.

You can just use the "count($related)" or "sizeOf($related)" to get the count.

Yii api link:


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