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how can I make thumbnail image disappear when the mouse hovers over the title without css?

I have a simple jQuery code to change the thumbnail of a post by hiding one image and showing the other, when I hover over the div for the image. The code works for fine when I hover over the div s labled in the .thumbs class, but I also want to add a feature so that when I hover over the title the same thing happens and the thumbnails change.

The problem is that if I add the .headline to the jquery selector I don't get the result I want and the images change when I hover over the thumbnails.

I know why this is happening but don't know how to solve it. Since I only want the image of the post I'm hovering over to change I am using $(this) , and since the images are both inside .thumbs there is no problem. But the headline isn't inside the .thumbs div and therefor when I use $(this).headline it's like I'm saying thumbs.headline which doesn't exist. How can I not put the headline inside the same div and still know which post I'm hovering over?

        function() {
        function() {

HTML Code:

<h2 class='headline'><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title() ?></a></h2>
    <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ){ ?>
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"></a>
<div class='thumbs'>
     <div class='first'><?php the_post_thumbnail()?></div>
     <div class='second'><?php MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), 'secondary-image');?></div>

If wrapping them isn't an option, this should work:

$('.thumbs').each(function () {

    var thisThumbAndHeadline = $(this).add($(this).prevAll('.headline:first'));

    thisThumbAndHeadline.hover(function () {

    function () {


A simple solution would be to apply the listener to a wrapper that goes around both the title and the thumbs.



<div class="wrap">
    <h2 class='headline'> ... </h2>

    <div class='thumbs'>
        <div class='first'> ... /div>
        <div class='second'> ... </div>


    function() {
    function() {

Try jQuery:

  • hide() method hides the selected elements

  • show() method shows the hidden, selected elements

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