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Joomla 2.5.9 Domain name repeating in URL

I have installed the Joomla 2.5.9 on Windows server with IIS7 . :) I disabled all the SEF setting in configuration.

Now , I logged in to admin of joomla 2.5.9. When I see the public side , it show it perfect.. but when I go for any other link.. it have multiple time of domain name in url..



I tried with enabling SEO URL , and enabled the web.conf. and settings like below,

Search Engine Friendly URLs -yes Use URL rewriting -yes Adds Suffix to URL -yes.


is this error with joomla 2.5.9???

Thanks, Gaurish


Change in configuration.php

var $live_site = '';


var $live_site = 'http://domainname.com';

I tested with some configuration & that works for me..
I tried JTC code,

public $live_site = 'http://domainname.com';

It works on front-end, but throws the error in backend , even I am not able to Login in admin.

So, I changed the configuration file as below,

$url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (true== strpos(strtolower($url),'administrator')) :

class JConfig {
public $live_site = '';
class JConfig {
public $live_site = 'http://www.domainname.com/';

and this work perfectly for me.. all the URL's on front-end are showing correct, not domain name repeated.

But URL's in back are showing same as early, but I can do the updates & admin task there.. that really don't interrupt me.

One more think , I am not able update global configuration file.. as we edited it .. so I need do it manually.

Thanks, Gaurish

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