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Updating model value in Angular Bootstrap UI typeahead

I am using the Angular Bootstrap UI typeahead and trying to update the model value inside the typeahead . But the updated model value does not reflect the changes unless specifically applied.

<input ng-model="query" typeahead="option for option in getOptions($viewValue)">

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.query = '';
  $scope.getOptions = function(query){
    if(query == "foo"){
      $scope.query = "foobar";
      // uncommenting the next line works but also raises error
      // $scope.$apply()
      return []
    return ["I have an idea", "I have new idea"];

Plunker Code: http://plnkr.co/edit/pNxBMgeKYulLuk7DO0gB?p=preview

You can accomplish this by watching the value of $scope.query .

In the $watch , newValue and oldValue represent the value of $scope.query after and before it is changed, respectively.

$scope.$watch("query", function(newValue, oldValue){
  if (newValue !== oldValue) {
    if (newValue === "foo") {
      $scope.query = "foobar";


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