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URL::asset() with php artisan command gives me localhost links

I try to send some emails with a CLI command with php artisan of Laravel, something easy like :

 php artisan invitation:send recipient@mail.com

This command is calling a UserController method which contains :

Mail::send('emails.beta.invitation', $data, function($message) use ($address)
            ->subject('My subject');


The problem is that when it creates the HTML using the view, all references to URL::asset('img/foo.png') in the template gives me a beautiful :


instead of the website url :


If I call this method by calling it in the web browser, there is the good URI for the asset. I even tried with an environment to the CLI but it doesn't work. (ie. --env=production )

Where am I wrong ?

All right, I got it.

When using the CLI, Laravel is using the config file app/config/app.php to read the 'url' (default 'url' => 'http://localhost' ).

So I just had to create a new config file under app/config/local/app.php with :

return array(
    'url' => 'http://localhost:8000',

And to change the app/config/app.php with my production value :

'url' => 'http://mydomain.com'

Now it works well !


mstephens commented on 13 Sep 2016 Hello

In App\\Providers\\RouteServiceProvider you can define the following:

 * @inheritdoc
public function boot()

    /** @var \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator $url */
    $url = $this->app['url'];
    // Force the application URL

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