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Smooth scroll no anchor only jQuery

I have a jQuery script that allows me to scroll horizontally but it's a rusty old scroll, and I want to make it smooth without changing the entire code.

I want to change the this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 90); with an .animate but I'm a beginner with jQuery.

Here's my code so far :

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('html, body, eall, *').mousewheel(function(e, delta) {
        this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 90);

You can do something like this:

$('html, body').animate({
    scrollLeft : 0 // or whatever value you need here
}, 750);

First only select the elements that must call your event callback and not $('html, body, eall, *') like your question shows you are doing.

For example, add a .horizontalScroll class to the desired elements and then $('.horizontalScroll )

Then you can do something like this to make a smoother scroll:

var scroll = $(this).scrollLeft() - (delta * 90);
      scrollLeft: scroll
}, 200);

See this working demo (scroll inside div#scroll , tweak (delta * 90) and animate duration argument 200 to get the desired smoothness.

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