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No module named Alchemy API

I am trying to run Alchemy API on my computer for python 2.7. This is the file:


I have kept it in the same file as the Code:

# Load the AlchemyAPI module code.
import AlchemyAPI

# Create an AlchemyAPI object.
alchemyObj = AlchemyAPI.AlchemyAPI()

# Load the API key from disk.

# Extract a ranked list of named entities from a web URL.
result = alchemyObj.URLGetRankedNamedEntities("http://www.techcrunch.com/");
print (result)

# Extract a ranked list of named entities from a text string.
result = alchemyObj.TextGetRankedNamedEntities("Hello my name is Bob.  I am speaking to you at this very moment.  Are you listening to me, Bob?");
print (result)

# Load a HTML document to analyze.
htmlFileHandle = open("data/example.html", 'r')
htmlFile = htmlFileHandle.read()

# Extract a ranked list of named entities from a HTML document.
result = alchemyObj.HTMLGetRankedNamedEntities(htmlFile, "http://www.test.com/");
print (result)

This is the standard code and gives the error i have mentioned in the heading. As required by README i have copied the AlchemyAPI.py-2.5 into the same directory. Im not sure how py-2.5 file works.

you should remove the -2.5 from the file extension, just save it as "AlchemyAPI.py"

Also, if you are running python 2.7, is there a reason you are using the python 2.5 version file?

Do you vizit that page ? It contains all information about AlchemyAPI module.

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