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How to build a angular project with yeoman and grunt

Sorry if this is a very basic question but I've googled and can't find any answear on this question.

So I've generated a angular project with "yo angular". My project is completed and now I wishes to build it so everything is minified and placed in a "dest" folder. How do I do this? I run "grunt server". Is this correct if you wish to build a project?

I get this: 在此处输入图片说明

"Nothing to compile". I thought everything was prepared when I uses yeoman? Should I modify gruntfile.js somehow?

No grunt server is to run a test version on server.

You have to run "grunt"

In fact you have a GruntFile.js in your project. This file is your build a little bit like maven.

In this gruntFile you'll see differents micro tasks like ngmin, conca, and something more. I suggest you to understand and study all these tasks really.

Then you have this :

grunt.registerTask('default', [

So here we're saying ok the default task, the default command : grunt will run these others tasks : jshint (code quality parser), test (jasmine and angular scenario via Karma runner) then build !

Hope it helps

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