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Remove a specific item from a longlistselector in wp7

I have a items in longlistselector. So i was trying to delete a specific item from a longlistselector in wp7 c#?


you need to declare your itemsource for your longlistselector to be type ObservableCollection , so that when you modify your itemsource, your longlistselector would response to the change accordingly.

T could be your custom type, for example :

//Photo is my custom class
ObservableCollection<Photo> photos;

Example code :

//Declare itemsource    
ObservableCollection<string> list;

//Bind to longlistselector dynamically somewhere in code
longlistselector.ItemSource = list;

//Add items into your source

//Delete items
list.RemoveAt(input item index here);


list.Remove(item); //if you're able to retrieve item ref;

And in your xaml :

//Notice the {Binding } syntax below for ItemSource property
<phone:LongListSelector ItemsSource="{Binding }" SelectionChanged="longListSelector_SelectionChanged"  Name="longListSelector" />

Hope it works well for you.

A code example for reference :


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