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how to add html using jquery

i have some simple jquery code which im using to create this page dynamically instead of manually. here is my code


for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) {
        .html("a", {
            href: links[i] + ".exe"
        .html("img", {
            src: icons[i]

declarations of arrays

var links = ["pictureVeiwer","maze","firefoxPrank"];

var icons = ["firefox-icon.gif","maze.jpg","imageVeiwer.jpg"];

var captions = ["Cute Firfox prank","Cool maze","Program to veiw pictures... kinda useless in 2013"];

I assume my syntax is a bit off, I have used similar code before but not in a loop. What am I doing wrong and how should I do this?

fiddle .

$("li") selects all the li elements on the page, actually you don't create new elements, it should be:




Also you are chaining .html() methods which overwrites previous contents, I would suggest creating elements separately, something like this:

for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
    var $li = $("<li/>"),
        $a = $("<a/>", { href: links[i] + ".exe", text: 'whatever' }),
        $img = $('<img/>', { src: icons[i] });
        $div = $('<div/>').append($a).append($img);

      // |          |
      // |          ---- append the `li` element to #programs            
      // |           
      // ---- append to the `li` element

If you are generating many elements dynamically you can consider using a templating library like Handlebars , EJS or Mustache .

I think I got it working here. A little verbose, but also clearer:

for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) {
    // Each list item will contain a div
    var $li = $("<li/>")

    // Each div will have a link, and that link will have an image and a caption
    var $div = $("<div/>");

    // Give the link its image
    var $a = $("<a/>", {
        href: links[i] + ".exe"
    var $img = $("<img/>", {
        src: icons[i]

    // Give the link its caption
    $p = $("<p/>");

    // Give the div its link

    // Give the list item its div

    // Add the list item to the list

Fiddle (You will need to try it on your own site, where your images can be referenced.)

You could also use templating, like Underscore provides:


<script type="text/template" id="list-template">
            <a href="<%= href %>"><img src="<%= src %>"></a>
            <p><%= caption %></p>

<ul id="programs"></ul>

<script src="http://underscorejs.org/underscore-min.js"></script>


var $programsList = $('#programs');
var listTemplateHtml = $('#list-template').html();
for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1 ) {
    var li = _.template(listTemplateHtml, {
        href: links[i] + ".exe",
        src: icons[i],
        captions: captions[i]

This would be much easier and more maintainable, and probably yield better performance, too.

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