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How do I signal test error (not failure) from python unittest

I have a test case with a helper method assertContains(super, sub) . The sub arguments are a hard-coded part of the test cases. In case they're malformed, I would like my test case to abort with an error.

How do I do that? I have tried

def assertContains(super, sub):
    if isinstance(super, foo): ...
    elif isinstance(super, bar): ...
    else: assert False, repr(sub)

However, this turns the test into a failure rather than an error.

I could raise some other exception (eg ValueError ), but I want to explicitly state that I'm declaring the test case to be in error. I could do things like ErrorInTest = ValueError and then raise ErrorInTest(repr(sub)) , but it feels kinda' icky. I feel there should be a batteries-included way of doing this, but reading the friendly manual didn't suggest anything to me.

There is an assertRaises() for aspects in class TestCase in which you want to ensure an error is raised by the to-be-tested code.

If you want to raise an error and abort testing that unit at this point (and continue with the next unit test), just raise an uncaught exception; the unit test module will catch it:

raise NotImplementedError("malformed sub: %r" % (sub,))

I don't think that there is any other API aspect available besides raising errors directly to state that a unit test case results in an error.

class PassingTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def runTest(self):

class FailingTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def runTest(self):

class ErrorTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def runTest(self):
    raise NotImplementedError("error")

class PassingTest2(unittest.TestCase):
  def runTest(self):

results in:

ERROR: runTest (__main__.ErrorTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./t.py", line 15, in runTest
    raise NotImplementedError("error")
NotImplementedError: error

FAIL: runTest (__main__.FailingTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./t.py", line 11, in runTest
AssertionError: False is not true

Ran 4 tests in 0.002s

FAILED (failures=1, errors=1)

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