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Ran Analyzer : Potential Memory Leak



I ran the XCode analyser - and it tells me that the following both are potential memory leaks. I'm not sure why. I declared midiDevices like this

@property (assign, nonatomic) NSMutableArray* midiDevices;

Here's the code for openMidiIn

-(void)openMidiIn {
    int k, endpoints;

    CFStringRef name = NULL, cname = NULL, pname = NULL;
    CFStringEncoding defaultEncoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
    MIDIPortRef mport = NULL;
    MIDIEndpointRef endpoint;
    OSStatus ret;

    /* MIDI client */
    cname = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, "my client", defaultEncoding);
    ret = MIDIClientCreate(cname, NULL, NULL, &mclient);
        /* MIDI output port */
        pname = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, "outport", defaultEncoding);
        ret = MIDIInputPortCreate(mclient, pname, MidiWidgetsManagerReadProc, self, &mport);
            /* sources, we connect to all available input sources */
            endpoints = MIDIGetNumberOfSources();
            //NSLog(@"midi srcs %d\n", endpoints);
            for(k=0; k < endpoints; k++){
                endpoint = MIDIGetSource(k);
                void *srcRefCon = endpoint;
                MIDIPortConnectSource(mport, endpoint, srcRefCon);

    if(name) CFRelease(name);
    if(pname) CFRelease(pname);
    if(cname) CFRelease(cname);


Thanks for your help.

analyzer info Here's more info about the error about making a bit of changes.


Assuming you're using ARC, that object will actually be released and dealloc'd instantly. Why it's saying you have a memory leak is confusing, but you will have a dead reference. Use strong , not assign .

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