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Binding property from a property

how can I do a bind if the property to show is a property from a property, like this case:


<TextBox Text="{Binding log.Message}"/>  ????

In the class defined as Datacontext, I declare a log variable:

public Log log = new Log();

the Log class:

public class Log : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public static string Message{ get { return message; } }

Your question is a bit unclear to me, but i give it a shot:

If the DataContext is an instance of the Log class, and the property is non static. Than the proper binding would be

<TextBox Text="{Binding Message}"/> 

From there you can easily nest your bindings. For example if Log would have an instance of a class

public class Log {
     public MessageHandler Message {get;set;}

which would have a property LocalizedMessage , it would simply be

<TextBox Text="{Binding Message.LocalizedMessage}"/> 

If you want to bind to a static property, which your Message property currently is:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Source={x:Static MyNs:Log.Message}, Path=.}"/> 

You can't bind static properties to XAML. Only .Net 4.5 enables that, and even that with some work. see: WPF 4.5 – Part 9 : binding to static properties . You can find the way there.

If you can't use .Net 4.5, check out this SO thread for another workaround.


<Window.Resources> <local:Log x:Key="logClass"/> </Window.Resources>

<TextBox Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource logClass}, Path=Message}"/

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