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Pass value of a dropdown to a textbox in a different page - PHP/jQuery/AJAX

I want to pass the value of a dropdown in index.php to a textbox in test.php via Ajax.

Test.php is iframed in index.php . Once i change the dropdown, value of that dropdown needs to be updated in the test.php without reloading the page.



<script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#dropdown1').change(function() {
            var value = $('#dropdown1').val()
            window.location = 'index.php?value=' + value;

    <select id="dropdown1">
        <option value="1">Value 1</option>
        <option value="2">Value 2</option>
        <option value="3">Value 3</option>
        <option value="4">Value 4</option>

        <iframe src="test.php" frameborder="0"></iframe>



        echo "<h1> The Current Value: " . $_GET["value"] . "</h1>";


If by "without reloading the page" you mean reloading index.php you can just post to test.php using target like so:

<iframe id="test_php"/>
<form target="test_php">
   <select onchange="this.parentNode.submit()"/>

This would require your test.php script to accept the post and "reload".

my previous answer is probably the way to go - simple is better than complex.

if you insist on using ajax (to store changed values on your server), you could use a two-step approach:

1 update iframe without reloading using:

document.getElementById('iFrameID').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML='Hello changed value!'

2 use ajax to update value on server, no callback needed.

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