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Checking for multiple strpos values

I am wondering how to complete multiple strpos checks.

Let me clarify:
I want strpos to check the variable "COLOR" to see if any numbers from 1 to 8 are anywhere in the variable. If any numbers from 1 to 8 are present, I want to echo "selected".

Let's say only the number 1 is in the variable, it will echo "selected".
Let's say the numbers 1 2 and 3 are in the variable, it will echo "selected."
Let's say the numbers 3 9 25 are in the variable, it will echo "selected" (because of that 3.!).
Let's say only the number 9 is in the variable, it will NOT echo.
Let's say the numbers 9 25 48 are in the variable, it will NOT echo.

I just used the OR statement (||)

  if (strpos($color,'1') || strpos($color,'2') || strpos($color,'3') || strpos($color,'4') || strpos($color,'5') || strpos($color,'6') || strpos($color,'7') || strpos($color,'8') === true) 
    //do nothing
   } else { 
            echo "checked"; 

try preg match for multiple

if (preg_match('/word|word2/i', $str))

strpos() with multiple needles?

I found the above answers incomplete and came up with my own function:

 * Multi string position detection. Returns the first position of $check found in 
 * $str or an associative array of all found positions if $getResults is enabled. 
 * Always returns boolean false if no matches are found.
 * @param   string         $str         The string to search
 * @param   string|array   $check       String literal / array of strings to check 
 * @param   boolean        $getResults  Return associative array of positions?
 * @return  boolean|int|array           False if no matches, int|array otherwise
function multi_strpos($string, $check, $getResults = false)
  $result = array();
  $check = (array) $check;

  foreach ($check as $s)
    $pos = strpos($string, $s);

    if ($pos !== false)
      if ($getResults)
        $result[$s] = $pos;
        return $pos;          

  return empty($result) ? false : $result;


$string  = "A dog walks down the street with a mouse";
$check   = 'dog';
$checks  = ['dog', 'cat', 'mouse'];

# Quick first position found with single/multiple check

  if (false !== $pos = multi_strpos($string, $check))
    echo "$check was found at position $pos<br>";

  if (false !== $pos = multi_strpos($string, $checks))
    echo "A match was found at position $pos<br>";

# Multiple position found check

  if (is_array($found = multi_strpos($string, $checks, true)))
    foreach ($found as $s => $pos)
      echo "$s was found at position $pos<br>";         

If all value is seperated by a space in value then you can do the following. Otherwise ignore it.

It is needed because if you have $color="25"; then strpos will found both 2, 5 and 25 so required result will not come

$color='1 25 48 9 3';
$color_array = explode(" ",$color);

$find = range(1,8);//array containing 1 to 8

$isFound = false;
foreach($find as $value) {
    if(in_array($value, $color_array)) 
        $isFound = true;

if($isFound) {
    echo "Selected";
if (preg_match('/string1|string2|string3/i', $str)){
  //if one of them found
 //all of them can not found

A simple preg_match() call using wordboundaries around a numeric character class will be completely accurate and suitable for your task.

The word boundary metacharacters ensure that full-integer matching is executed -- no false positive (partial) matching occurs.

Code: ( Demo )

$array = array(
    'text 1 2 and 3 text',
    'text 3 9 25 text',
    'text 9 25 48 text',

foreach ($array as $color) {
    echo "\n---\n$color";
    echo "\n\t" , preg_match('~\b[1-8]\b~', $color, $out) ? "checked (satisfied by {$out[0]})" : 'not found';
    echo "\n\tChad says: " , (strpos($color,'1') || strpos($color,'2') || strpos($color,'3') || strpos($color,'4') || strpos($color,'5') || strpos($color,'6') || strpos($color,'7') || strpos($color,'8') ? 'found' : 'not found');


text 1 2 and 3 text
    checked (satisfied by 1)
    Chad says: found
text 3 9 25 text
    checked (satisfied by 3)
    Chad says: found
text 9 25 48 text
    not found
    Chad says: found

As for how to implement this technique in your script...

if (!preg_match('~\b[1-8]\b~', $color)) {
    echo 'checked';

I had similar needs so here is function that get position of closest substring in given string, where search substrings are provided in array. It also pass by reference matched substring. Note that order matters in case some substring contains other substring - example: '...' and '.'.

function strpos_arr($haystack, $needleN, $offset = 0, &$needle = '') {
  if (!is_array($needleN)) {
    return strpos($haystack, $needleN, $offset);
  } else {
    $res = FALSE;
    foreach ($needleN as $ind => $item) {
      $pos = strpos($haystack, $item, $offset);
      if ($pos !== FALSE && ($res === FALSE || $pos < $res)) {
        $res = $pos;
        $needle = $item;
    return $res;

Please Try this, it will help you.

if ( (strpos($str, $your_string) !== false) || (strpos($your_string, $str) !== false) ) {
    // Matched
} else {
    // Not Matched

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