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passing td value to javascript

I am trying to pass the the td value to java script,from java script i post that value to the php page where it contains query.can any one guide me how to pass the td value to java script,i tried but i don't know how to pass this value .thanks

Below is my js code :


function myFunction() {

 // Create our XMLHttpRequest object
var hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Create some variables we need to send to our PHP file
var mcc = document.getElementById("mcc").value;
var mnc = document.getElementById("mnc").value;
var url = "testpage2/config.php";
var vars = "mcc="+mcc+"&mnc="+mnc;
hr.open("POST", url, true);



$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM supplierprice ");   
if($alt == 1)
           echo '<tr class="alt">';
           $alt = 0;
           echo '<tr>';
           $alt = 1;
echo '  <td class="edit region '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows["region"].'</td>
        <td class="edit country '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows["country"].'</td>
        <td class="edit networkname '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows["networkname"].'</td>
        <td id="mcc" class="edit mcc '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows["mcc"].'</td>   
        <td id="mnc" class="edit mnc '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows["mnc"].'</td>
        <td class="edit mnp '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows["mnp"].'</td>';           
    $ColumnNames = mysql_query("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'supplierprice' AND column_name NOT
IN ('supp_price_id','region', 'country', 'networkname', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'mnp'
)") or die("mysql error"); 
echo '<td  width="0px;" class="edit '.$columnArray[$i].' '.$rows["supp_price_id"].'">'.$rows[$columnArray[$i]].'</td>';   
        echo '<td><input type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="" /></td>';        
            echo '</tr>';

value is for input elements. For others(like td , th , div , span ...) use innerHTML :

var mcc = document.getElementById("mcc").innerHTML;
var mnc = document.getElementById("mnc").innerHTML;

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