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How do I insert a button in Javascript that can reach a function with onclick()?

I have a javascript file that checks the server for results. If it fails to get the results after a certain number of attempts, I want to add a button to the page so the user can manually check for results. However, the button did not work when added. How do I fix it, do I need to do something to get the function in the scope of the button?

This is the code that adds the button:

$('.submitter').after("<span class='btn' onClick=delayDoing(0)>Check again</span>")

Which created the following button that does nothing:

<span class="btn" onclick="delayDoing(0)">Check again</span>

Below is the file of javascript. (I shortened it and removed some of the ERB stuff.)

 function delayDoing(attempts){
     setTimeout(function(){checkServer(attempts)}, 3000);

 function checkServer(attempts){
     if ($('.results').css('opacity') === '0') { //no results           
         if(attempts < 4) {   
             // {code to check for results...}

             $('.submitter').after("<span class='btn' onClick='delayDoing(0)'>Check again</span>")

jQuery(function() {

I would do something like this:

var submit = $('.submitter'); //reference to the submitter button
var newButton = $("<span class='btn'>Check again</span>"); //in-memory button

submit.after( newButton ); //append the button to the DOM
newButton.click(function(){ delayDoing(0); }); //add a click event to the button and call for your function

Remember that javascript is compiled as it's loaded in the browser, since the element didn't exist on compile-time it won't trigger the click event, what you need to do is to append the element to the DOM AND add an event.

Hope this helps, cheers.

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