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PHP changes slow to refresh in browser

Ever since I added a.bash_profile on my Mac to point to a fresher version of PHP in MAMP, I've noticed my PHP changes take a long time to show in the browser localhost. It's absolutely killing me. I added the bash profile so I could install Laravel 4? Any fixes out there?

Comment out the OPcache in your php.ini files.


;  opcache.memory_consumption=128
;  opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8
;  opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000
;  opcache.revalidate_freq=60
;  opcache.fast_shutdown=1
;  opcache.enable_cli=1

Found a solution. The problem with my slow PHP was the version I was using, 5.5.3. Once I switched MAMP to 5.2.17 everything started working as expected.

Try Preferences -> General, then set PHP-Cache to "Off"

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