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iOS 7 date time zone issue

I am converting a NSDate object to string format. using GHKit . Internally its using NSDateFormatter stringFromDate

[NSDate date] gh_format:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz" useWeekday:NO]

- (NSString *)gh_format:(NSString *)format useWeekday:(BOOL)useWeekday {
    NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    [dateFormatter setDateFormat:format]; 
    NSString *formatted = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:self];
    if (useWeekday) {
        NSString *specialWeekday = [self gh_weekday:dateFormatter]; 
     formatted = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@", specialWeekday, formatted];
    [dateFormatter release];
    return formatted;

This method works fine with iOS 5, 6 producing the following output

2013-10-10 10:43:44 GMT+05:00

However iOS 7 produces something like this which my web server is unable to parse

2013-10-10 10:43:44 GMT+5

Try using yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZZ for your date format.

See http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-6.html#Date_Format_Patterns for more info

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