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Impossible to call application (URL Scheme) from UIWebView in iOS 7

A bit of an odd situation. We work with an outside partner, which exposes a webpage where their users can log in. This webpage takes a parameter called returnURL . This returnURL will be called upon successful login to their service and at the end of this return URL our outside partner will add a token that we can use afterwards in the application.

Because I work in iOS, as a returnURL I am giving my application's URL scheme, so that the webpage can call it when the login is done.

So, it goes like this. Their webpage:


I show the webpage in a webview and within application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: I have the code for the return, where I parse the parameters passed with myAppsName://

The Problem

This whole process works fine on iOS 6, as the webview will call the URL scheme of the application, which will trigger application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: .

However, the application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: method never gets called in iOS 7. It seems more like the webview calls itself the myAppsName://{parameters} and then fails (for a further explanation, the UIWebView calls webView:didFailLoadWithError: and within its NSErrorFailingURLKey we can find the full myAppsName://extraParam1=bar&token=foo ).

Is there a change that happened in iOS 7, where this type of call (from a UIWebView to the application itself) is no longer permitted?

Problem with xcode 5.0 . Download the xcode version 5.0.1 . Clean all the builds ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/~ . Build again.

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