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Rewrite URLS in Wordpress site

I have some old SWF that has fixed links inside, so I need to rewrite all the links to redirect to new site I build on Wordpress.

I actually need to redirect all links that have FID=<123> to /me_<123> (that's the permalink I created for all pages I need to redirect)

For example: http://kavor.org.il/KavOr07/Templates/showpage.asp?DBID=1&LNGID=2&TMID=843&FID=1997 Needs to go to http://kavor.org.il/me_1997

I tried to put this in .htaccess: ^FID=([^/.]+)/?$ /me_$1 [R]

but it has no effect and also for some reason slows down the entire site loading. I know that Wordpress has its own rewrites so maybe it's interefering.

I would be glad for some help with that I got pretty lost in all the mod_rewrite rules...

To match query string you will need a RewriteCond with %{QUERY_STRING}

Try this rule:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)FID=([^&]+) [NC]
RewriteRule ^KavOr07/?$ /me_%1? [L,R=302,NC]

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