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How to pass a FormatString as ConverterParameter in XAML

I have a binding with converter. I want to pass the "#,,.0M" format string as converter parameter.

This xaml in not valid:

<local:SalesPerformanceControl FirstSalesVolume="{Binding Path=TodaySalesVolume, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=decimalToFormatedStringConverter}, ConverterParameter=#,,.0M}"/>

Error :

The type '' was not found.

How to pass this string correctly?

Either use single quotes on the string to be passed:

       <local:SalesPerformanceControl FirstSalesVolume="{Binding Path=TodaySalesVolume, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=decimalToFormatedStringConverter}, ConverterParameter='#,,.0M'}"/>

OR use elaborate syntax to bind like below:

            <Binding Path="TodaySalesVolume" Converter="{StaticResource decimalToFormatedStringConverter}" ConverterParameter="#,,.0M" />

One of the way can be declare your string in resources and pass it to your converter.


 <sys:String x:Name="strParam">#,,.0M</sys:String>


Add like as bellow

<local:SalesPerformanceControl FirstSalesVolume="{Binding Path=TodaySalesVolume, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=decimalToFormatedStringConverter},   ConverterParameter={StaticResource strParam}}"/>

may help you

Try saving the string as a resource.

First add the following xmlns declaration


Then save the string in the resources

<sys:String x:Key="format">#,,.0M</sys:String>

And use it as follows

<local:SalesPerformanceControl FirstSalesVolume="{Binding Path=TodaySalesVolume, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=decimalToFormatedStringConverter}, ConverterParameter={StaticResource ResourceKey=format}}"/>

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