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Getting X509 Certificate from Signed envelop data

I want to convert following Java code into iOS. Please help me out.

CMSSignedDataParser sp = new CMSSignedDataParser(new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC").build(), contents.getBuffer());


Store                   certStore = sp.getCertificates();
SignerInformationStore  signers = sp.getSignerInfos();

Collection              c = signers.getSigners();
Iterator                it = c.iterator();

while (it.hasNext())
    SignerInformation   signer = (SignerInformation)it.next();
    Collection          certCollection = certStore.getMatches(signer.getSID());

    Iterator        certIt = certCollection.iterator();
    X509CertificateHolder cert = (X509CertificateHolder)certIt.next();
    X509Certificate certificate = new JcaX509CertificateConverter().setProvider( "BC" ).getCertificate( cert );

Here in Java extracting X509 Certificate from Signed Info. How to achieve same thing in iOS?

Check out CMSDecoder.h in the Security.framework. That plus the openssl framework you get you started.

The Cryptographic Message Syntax API is not public on iOS. I guess it's openssl all the way. Sorry!

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