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Asp.Net MVC Routing without controller and action X Web.config

My application in ASP.NET MVC4 I have:

    <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms loginUrl="~/Logon/Autentica" timeout="120"></forms>


                name: "Abcdef",
                url: "{controller}/{action}/{conte}",
                defaults: new { controller = "CampanhaResposta", action = "Resposta" }


  <location path="CampanhaResposta/Resposta">
        <allow users="*" />

It don't works: www.website.com/mycode but it's working: www.website.com/CampanhaResposta/Resposta/mycode


You need change your routing to:

                name: "Abcdef",
                url: "{action}/{conte}",
                defaults: new { controller = "CampanhaResposta", action = "Resposta", conte = UrlParameter.Optional}

It will return: www.website.com/Resposta

When you're getting www.website.com/mycode , Routing thinks that "mycode" is a controller name. Even though you've provided default values for "controller" and "action" route parameters, they are not used because url: "{controller}/{action}/{conte}" expects "conte" the last. You will have to change the url template.

For example, if you change it to

url: "{conte}/{controller}/{action}"

and then get www.website.com/mycode again, "mycode" will correctly be treated as a value of the "conte" route variable. Also the default values for controller and action will kick in and you will get the result you are after.

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