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IOS7 - Xcode5 - Memory Leaks with NO CODE

first of all, sorry for my english. Now, i've made a simple app in Xcode 5, with a TabBar Controller and a Navigation Bar Controller embed in it. When i run the app with profile i see some leaks (32bytes) that appear when the app goes in background mode. This happen only when i use to embed Navigation Controller in Tab Bar Controller, even if i don't write any single line of code. in stack trace the only function for the leaks is in main.m.

How is it possible?

The type of leak is:

Leaked Object   #   Address Size    Responsible Library Responsible Frame
__NSCFString    1   0x17530290  32 Bytes    Foundation  -[NSPlaceholderString initWithFormat:locale:arguments:]


Memory leaks dont just happen, Xcode is a derp. Turn it off and on again and it will work like a charm.

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