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Background-Image Opacity Issue

I am working on a Homepage right now, and got a few Problems.

I got a Background-Image set to Cover in the Body:

    opacity: 1;
    transition:opacity 0.5s ease-out;
    background-image: url(Background.jpg);
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

Now I want that to change the opacity of the whole body-tag to 0 with javascript.

$("body").css("opacity", "0");

Everything disappears except the background-image, although it's in the body-tag? Any Ideas?

UPDATE!! I uploaded the "problem-site" to a webspace. Website

Just click on "Query" than click in any box and press ENTER to call the js-function.


I've made a fiddle with your code that reproduces the issue. Code can be simplified into this:

    opacity: 0.1;
    background-color: red;

The root issue is that fiddling with the opacity of the <body> element doesn't have any effect unless you have something below. A simple fix is to add this:

    background-color: white;

Updated fiddle

For whatever reason (I can't seem to find any references to why), setting opacity:0 or visibility:hidden on the <body> tag has no effect on the background-image . It definitely has an effect an element with a background-image that is a child of the body tag. So you have two options:

Add a wrapper <div> around the <body> content :

Where you currently have:

    <!-- Content -->

Change this to:

    <div id="wrapper">
        <!-- Content -->

And move the CSS on body to #wrapper as well any Javascript/jQuery targeting body

Set the opacity on the HTML element

Wherever you are setting opacity:0 , do it on the <html> element instead.

Personally, I'd recommend the first option.

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