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sublime text : open containing folder

I'm working on some file in my sublime text 2 editor, and I want to open a folder in which that file resides.

I know there is a 2 step procedure to do this already

step 1: right click and reveal in sidebar (ctrl+shift+r)
step 2: right click on the same file in sidebar and click open containing folder.

I would like to know if there is only one shortcut key to do the same. This is something that I use quite often.

You can add the line below to your Default (Windows).sublime-keymap :

{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+e"], "command": "open_dir", 
    "args": {"dir": "$file_path", "file": "$file_name"} }

By default the editor has this item in context menu. If you need this feature on tabs you have to create a file with name "Tab Context.sublime-menu" in "\\Data\\Packages\\User\\" (if does not exist yet) and add this code:

        "caption": "-"
        "command": "open_dir",
        "args": {"dir": "$file_path", "file": "$file_name"},
        "caption": "Open Containing Folder…"

Do not forget formatting lines as a JSON file! If you do not need a separator before this menu item you need to delete first block with caption "-"! You can add any other menu in this file. For example:

    "command": "copy_path",
    "caption": "Copy File Path"

This worked for me: assuming you have opened the file whose enclosing folder you want to open, use the Menu > Project > Add Folder To Project command.

A new window should open with the enclosing folder. Just click 'Open' and you're done!

Install Open project path by shortcut . Then setup keybindings in your User keymap file

  "keys": ["f10"],
  "command": "open_project_folder"

  "keys": ["ctrl+f10"],
  "command": "open_file_folder"

Initiate the key bindings on a open file (f10 to open the directory you have set as the project folder, ctrl+f10 to open the folder of the current file.)

I found this plugin: https://github.com/kallepersson/Sublime-Finder

The instructions are pretty simple and straightforward. Now I just use CMD+SHIFT+P and type "finder" and press enter and it opens a finder window.

I think this might only work on macs though.

In sublimetext3 there is a package to sync current open file with the sidebar explorer. SyncedSidebar

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