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Windows batch file to delete all files on desktop

I'm looking to write a batch file that will remove all files on my computers desktop except for folders and .lnk (shortcut files)

The reason being that I want to run this batch file to remove all files on our meeting room PC so it's kept nice and tidy.

@Echo OFF

For %%# in (
) Do (
    If /I not "%%~x#" EQU ".lnk" (
        Del /Q "%%#"

@Echo OFF

For /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('dir /s /b /a:-d-h  "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\*"') Do (
    call :delIfNotLnk "%%I"
goto :EOF

if  not "%~x1" == ".lnk" (
        Del /Q %1
goto :EOF

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