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Django Dajax vs Dajaxice

This may be a very silly question but I'm looking at implementing ajax in my django project and the big plugin seems to be dajax/dajaxice however I can't for the life of me distinguish between the two. Could someone clear this up a little for me? Thanks.


Should I use django-dajax or django-dajaxice?

In a word, No. I created these projects 4 years ago as a cool tool in order to solve one specific problems I had at that time.

These days using these projects is a bad idea.


Dajaxice is the core of the project, to quote the website:

'Its main goal is to trivialize the asynchronous communication between the django server side code and your js code.'

This means that a django / python method on the server like:

from django.utils import simplejson
from dajaxice.decorators import dajaxice_register

def multiply(request, a, b):
  result = int(a) * int(b)
  return simplejson.dumps({'result' : result})

Can be called on the client using javascript:

var result = Dajaxice.calcualator.multiply(1, 2);
console.log("Dajax says 1 * 2 = "+result);

Dajax provides a series of tools that incorporate dajaxice but requires less Javascript to be used, instead relying on more Python. The multiple example is here .

I have used dajaxice on a few projects without using dajax. Also worth mentioning is Tasty Pie this creates a similar interface on the server, and using JQuery ajax helper functions like .post() , client side, little additional code is required in javascript compared to dajaxice.

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