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Variable does not exist in symfony2

I have the following problem on my symfony2 project:

This is the code of my controller

public function showCustomerAction($id) {
    // retrieve the customer from the database
    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
    $customer = $em->getRepository('VictorIoSiteBundle:Customer')->find($id);

    //throw new \Exception($customer);
    return $this->render('VictorIoSiteBundle:Site:viewCustomer.html.twig', array('customer' => $customer));

And the code of my twig view (quite simple):

{% if customer is defined %}
    <h3>Customer: {{ customer }} </h3>
{% endif %}

Finally my routing.yml

pattern: /show-customer/{id}
defaults: { _controller: VictorIoSiteBundle:Site:showCustomer }
    id: \d+

Now when I go on


I get the following error :

Variable " customer " does not exist in VictorIoSiteBundle:Site:viewCustomer.html.twig at line 2
500 Internal Server Error - Twig_Error_Runtime

It looks like a characters issue. There are fake spaces char(194) in your {{ customer }} .
Try just removing them and add a real space instead.

This character occurs when you hit Alt Gr + Space (it happens to me alot)


  • TWIG ignores spaces and wouldn't result in an error if there was a real space issue
  • Mostly, when you see

    Variable "foo " does not exists

    it means you have this character after the foo variable

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