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Access JavaScript object in parent from iframe

I am creating an TinyMCE plugin which uses an iframe. Withing the iframe defined by iframe.html, how do I access parentObject? I've tried window.top.parentObject , but no luck.

tinymce.PluginManager.add('image', function(editor, url) {

    var parentObject={'xxx':123};

    editor.addButton('image', {
        icon: 'image',
        onclick: function(){
            var tinyEditor=editor.windowManager.open({
                html: '<iframe src=iframe.html" id="plugin-id"></iframe>'


A function body is a scope, and you're defining the variable inside a function. Move var parentObject to global scope and access it with window.top.parentObject or window.parent.parentObject .

You're not able to access this object, because it is enclosed by your function(editor, url) {...} , whereas withing iframe you can access only parent window and all it's variables. The only way is to move parentObject to global context.

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