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dialog position with offset doesn't seem to work

Need help positioning a dialog that I'd like to open in the same spot relative to the viewport itself, not some element on the page.

I have it opening in the top right of the browser window but I had thought I could use "offset" to move it down a bit. Offset seems to do nothing and it continues to stick to the upper right corner of the browser window. Reading the documentation is not much help.

Here's my script:

jQuery("#dialog-profile-more").dialog( { 
autoOpen: false,
dialogClass: "dialogWithDropShadow",
height: "auto",
width: 300,
position: { my: "right top", 
            at: "right top", 
            of: window, 
            offset: "25 25"  }
} );

thanks in advance.

Yes, that was the answer: css styling and adding position fixed and some margin to my dialogWithDropShadow class. Thanks everyone....

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